Banner Days!
Part 2
As mentioned in an earlier post, Debbie and I create banners for a variety of occasions and uses.
We have made several for display in our clasrooms and recently offered two sessions for the Family and Consumer Science teachers (remember, we used to be called "home ec."?) in our school system to help them make banners for their classrooms.
How funny! Do you see my feet as I stood in a chair to shoot this picture? This is a small piece I made for a display at a national quilt show. When I hit a roadblock, Debbie offered several suggestions, including the attached tape measure and the multiple dimensional flower petals. My original flower was dimensional but of a different style. After I made the caterpillar, she painted him for me and added the feet - they are just black ball head straight pins. |
Debbie's second year Interiors students spent some time last spring designing banners. This student made the banner to welcome her
soon-to-be born niece. Simple coloring book images helped with the carriage design.
This is an Early Childhood teacher with her completed "Sunshine" banner. She enhanced the banner with long, playful tassels. We will look at ideas for tassels in a future post.
The student organization linked to FACS courses is FCCLA - Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
Here you see an FCCLA banner in progress for use at club events. This one will have a vertical orientation. Love that cricut machine!
This is our FCCLA banner (it is on the reverse side of the "Create" banner). Isn't this a festive Homecoming tailgate tent?
This is Debbie's "Create" banner. It hangs in her classroom and hints at what students do on a daily basis.
The "Sew Inspired" banner I created for my classroom. Notice that it hangs from a yard stick. Parts of this banner are machine quilted. Hopefully these banners will inspire you to create one too! Renny |